
Make yourself at home
Change the wallpaper
Wallpapers are images from Gallery (pictures you shot with Camera, synced from Picasa, and so on), still
images included with the system, and live images (such as an animation or a map that centers on your
location). They take the place of the default background for your Home screens.
1 Touch & hold anywhere on a Home screen that's not occupied.
A list of options appears.
2 Touch a wallpaper source:
Gallery. Choose from pictures that you've taken with Camera or downloaded to your device.
Live Wallpapers. Choose from a scrolling list of animated wallpapers.
Wallpapers. Choose from thumbnails of default images, or touch a thumbnail for a larger version.
You can download additional wallpapers from Android Market.
3 To set a wallpaper, touch OK at the top of the screen (for Gallery images) or Set wallpaper.
Related settings
Settings > Device > Display > Wallpaper