Fax for Next Call: Your phone receives fax call for next
10 minutes.
Fax until Powered Off: Your phone receives fax call
until you power off and back
on the phone.
Data for Next Call: Your phone receives data calls for
next 10 minutes.
Data until Powered Off: Your phone receives data
calls until you power off and
back on the phone.
Receiving a Fax or Data File
To receive a fax or data, ensure that your phone is
connected to your PC and is powered on and select a
desired option.
When you receive a fax call, setup the Answer mode in
the Fax program on your PC and click on Receive and
select one of the following:
• Automatic Receive (recommended)
• Manual Receive
Sending a Fax or Data File
When connected to a computing device, your phone
allows wireless fax and data transmissions. Your
computing device software initiates the call to the
destination phone number. The phone functions as a
wireless modem to send the fax or data file to the
number designated by your PC software.
Set NAM Menu 9-5
Your Samsung phone can store two NAMs (NAM stands
for numerical assignment module - essentially your
telephone number). This means you can have two phone
numbers on your phone, and you can quickly and easily
switch your service back and forth between the two
Press up or down navigation key to select NAM 1 or
NAM 2. If you change the NAM, the phone will reboot
and acquire service using the new NAM setting.
Data/Fax Menu 9-6
Your phone is capable of sending and receiving digital
data and fax call when connected to a computing device
(laptop, desktop, handheld, palmtop, etc.) running
Windows 95/98/NT/2000 or XP. The phone functions
just like a typical modem on your PC, enabling you to
use wireless data involving a side variety of Windows
software applications.
To use digital data or fax services with your phone, you
will need to obtain digital data/fax kit from your service
provider. This kit will contain the necessary cables,
software, and documentation required for your to
connect and use your phone with your computing device.
Note: The phone must be on a digital network to
receive or send fax and data.
The following options are available:
Data/Fax Off: Your phone receives voice calls only.