Extras Menu
The Extras menu provides access to additional functionality beyond the Music and FM Radio
modes. The Extras menu is shown below in Table 6.
Read The Basics on page 21 to learn how to navigate the menus, settings, and
parameters described in this section.
Table 6: Extras Menu
Submenu Function
Stopwatch Start or Stop the stopwatch by pressing the Play/Pause/Up
Button once. Press and hold the Play/Pause/Up Button to
reset the time to zero.
Information Menu
The Information menu provides your player configuration information. The Information menu is
shown below in Table 7.
Read The Basics on page 21 to learn how to navigate the menus, settings, and
parameters described in this section.
Table 7: Information Menu
Submenu Function
Information Press Play/Pause/Up Button and Repeat/AB/Down Button
to see the software version, model number, Internal storage
capacity and the SD card capacity of the player. The
Settings menu controls the underlying features of your
player, for example, the language used onscreen and
regional FM radio settings
Navigating the Software Menus ` 26