
Can’t make a call / • Out of range of base unit- move your handset
OUT OF RANGE closer to the base unit.
appears on the • Interference due to environment- position base
handset. unit to reduce interference (move base unit away
from other electrical appliances.).
• De-synchronization has occurred. The base unit
will reset synchronization automatically.
• Handset may not be registered to base unit
(see REGISTRATION section Page 30).
Can’t enter the • Ensure unit is not in cradle.
submenus. • Return to standby mode by pressing
Every button I press • Phone is in Baby Call mode. To deactivate see
calls a preset number. BABY CALL section page 28.
Caller ID is not • Check your network subscription to Caller ID.
displayed. • Full name and number (incl. STD code) need
to be stored in phonebook for name display.
Handset does not ring. • Ring Volume ‘OFF’ (see CHANGE RING AND
section page 26).
When I’m talking on the • Make sure that your ear is touching the top
phone I keep activating section of the handset (receiver) when you
other keys. are talking.
Batteries are low, even • Batteries may need to be replaced.
if recharged.
I can’t register my new • A maximum of 4 units can be registered at
one handset. time. De-register a handset and try again.
• Make sure you select a base number that
has not been assigned.
I can’t make an internal • Only one external call and one internal can
call. take place at once. Make sure no other handset
is making a call.