
when in a blasting area orin otherareas with signs indicating
two-way radios should be turned off. Construction crews often
use remote-control RFdevices to set off explosives.
Turn yourphone off when you’re in any area that has a potentially
explosive atmosphere. Although it’s rare, yourphone and
accessories could generate sparks. Sparks can cause an
explosion orfire, resulting in bodily injury oreven death. These
areas are often, but not always, clearly marked. They include:
Fueling areas such as gas stations.
Below deck on boats.
Fuel orchemical transferor storage facilities.
Areas where the aircontains chemicals orparticles such
as grain, dust, ormetal powders.
Any otherarea where you would normally be advised to
turn off yourvehicle’s engine.
Restricting Children’s Access to YourPhone
Yourphone is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it as
they could hurt themselves and others, damage the phone or
make calls that increase yourSprint invoice.
Using Your Phone With a Hearing
Aid Device
A numberof Sprint phones have been tested forhearing aid
device compatibility. When some wireless phones are used with
certain hearing devices (including hearing aids and cochlear
implants), users may detect a noise which can interfere with the
effectiveness of the hearing device.
Some hearing devices are more immune than others to this
interference noise, and phones also vary in the amount of
interference noise they may generate. ANSI standard C63.19 was
developed to provide a standardized means of measuring both
wireless phone and hearing devices to determine usability rating
categories forboth.
Ratings have been developed formobile phones to assist hearing
device users find phones that may be compatible with their
hearing device. Not all phones have been rated forcompatibility
with hearing devices. Phones that have been rated have a label
located on the box.
LXby SANYO has M4 and
T4 ratings.
These ratings are not guarantees. Results will vary depending on
the user’s hearing device and individual type and degree of
hearing loss. If a hearing device is particularly vulnerable to
interference noise; even a phone with a higherrating may still
cause unacceptable noise levels in the hearing device. Trying out
the phone with yourhearing device is the best way to evaluate it for
yourpersonal needs.
Never transport orstore flammable gas, flammable
liquids, or explosives in the compartment of your
vehicle that contains your phone oraccessories.
138 Section 4A. Important Safety Information