
Frequency: Selects whether or not to
defer message reception
according to the message
capacity. Options are
Immediately (default),
Always Defer, or Defer if
over 1 KB (10KB, or
Roaming: Selects whether or not to
defer message reception
when you are roaming
according to the message
capacity. Options are
Immediately (default),
Always Defer, or Defer if
over 1 KB (10KB or
Reject Anonymous: Rejects anony-
mous messages.
Acknowledge: Selects how to respond
to a Picture message if
the sender is requesting a
Delivery Report or Read
Report notification upon
receipt of this message.
The options are Always,
Never, and Ask First.
Note: Ask First is only selectable from Read
Report display.
Email Settings
Polling Interval: Selects the time
frequency for polling for
emails. The default is set
to Never, which means
polling is never done.
Polling Size: Selects how many
messages are to be
downloaded when polling.
The default is set to 10
Max Message Size: Sets a limit to the
email size for download-
ing, or downloads
messages without any
restriction on the email
Delete Preference: Selects From
Phone Only if you want
to keep messages on the
server when deleting
messages or From
Server if you don't want
to keep messages on the
Account: Creates or edits email
account details.
For details, see p. 28 in
the “get started with your
Sanyo S750i” guide.
Look & Feel settings
Use this setting to change the look of
message contents. For example, you
can enter or edit a signature
(Personalised text template), or
change the text position in messages
Font Size: Selects the font size for
the message you are
Slide Interval: Sets the slide duration
time in Picture Messages.
The default is set to five
Personalisation: Adds or edits a
signature inside mes-
sages. Select Edit
Signature to make/edit a
signature. To enable the
signature, set Enable/
Disable Signature to
Messaging Messaging