
Primary Lithium Batteries
Coin Type Primary Lithium Batteries
Specifications of Primary Lithium Batteries
Operational temperature range: 20 to 70
Consult Sanyo when using batteries at temperatures exceeding the 20 to 60 range.
High-power Cylindrical Type Primary Lithium Batteries (spiral structure, crimp-sealing)
High-power Cylindrical Type Primary Lithium Batteries (spiral structure, laser-sealing)
High-capacity Cylindrical Type Primary Lithium Batteries (bobbin structure, laser-sealing)
Operational temperature range: 40 to 60
Consult Sanyo when using batteries at temperatures exceeding the 20 to 60 range.
CR15270, CR17335, CR2, CR123A, CR-V3, CR-P2 and 2CR5 incorporate a PTC device to prevent overheating and excess discharging current.
Operational temperature range: 40 to 85
Consult Sanyo when using batteries at temperatures exceeding the 20 to 60 range.
Operational temperature range: 40 to 85
Consult Sanyo when using batteries at temperatures exceeding the 20 to 60 range.
All batteries listed above, except for the CR12600SE, are also available in models with safety vents (SE-R).
Denotes models supplied with extra terminals.
Note: IEC type in the above tables conform to the IEC86-1 notation system.
1 Nominal capacity is determined at an end voltage of 2.0V (4.0V for 6V models) when the battery is
allowed to discharge at a standard current level at 23 .
2 Current value is determined to be the level at which 50% of the nominal capacity is obtained with
an end voltage of 2.0V (4.0V for 6V models) at 23 .
3 Current value for obtaining 2.0V cell voltage (4.0V for 2CR-1/3N) when pulse is applied for 15
seconds at 50% discharge depth (50% of the nominal capacity) at 23 .
For CR15270, CR15400, CR17335, CR2, CR123A, CR-V3, CR17335E-R, CR17335HE-R,
CR17450E-R and CR17450HE-R, however, the current values for obtaining 1.0V are listed.