English 26
ABOUT MovieFactory
MovieFactory is an integrated tool for processing and storing video, music,
photo and data files to disc with your computer.
The limited edition contained in the SANYO Software Pack comprises DVD
authoring functions only.
For information concerning how to use MovieFactory, click on [Program] →
[Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5] → [User Manual], and select [DVD MovieFactory
User Guide] to access the user’s manual.
Main features
iCreate your own movie discs
Create your own movies in DVD or Video CD format. Download image data
from a DV camera, digital movie camera, digital camera, video tapes and
TV programs, for example, add effects, and then save the edited data on a
iEdit HD mode video clips
Now you can edit video clips that were recorded in the HD mode without
converting the video files from the HD MPEG4 format.
iMake slideshows
Create a slideshow of the still images etc. captured with your digital
camera, and store them to DVD or CD. Ideal for sorting and managing your
iCapture directly to disc
Burn DVD discs directly from your DV camera, video tapes, TV programs,
etc., while you view them in realtime.
iDisc copy
It’s easy to make disc-to-disc copies. Works for any kind of disc–DVDs,
music CDs, MP3 files, your homemade discs, data discs.
iNote that MovieFactory cannot be used to successfully record to DVD from
media which incorporate copy-protect or scrambling technologies to
protect copyrights.