English 58
The following examples are some of the situations where the autofocus
function may work, but not as desired.
iWhen both near and far objects are
Use the focus-lock function to lock the
focus on an object at the same distance
as the desired subject, then reposition
the camera to compose the picture.
iFast-moving subjects
Use the focus-lock function to lock the
focus on an object at the same distance
as the desired subject, then reposition
the camera to compose the picture.
iStill images can be rotated when they are played back (pages 53 and 100).
iWhen the [ ] button is pressed halfway, the image in the monitor may
waver vertically. This is the result of internal image processing and is not a
malfunction. This wavering is not recorded and will not affect your images
in any way.
iWhen the optical zoom is used or when the autofocus is operating, the
image may appear to waver, but this is not a malfunction.