Unit 7: Appendix
CL408-412e Supplemental Manual
7-13 PN: 9001159A
Troubleshoot The act of locating the source of a problem or problems.
Two of the projectories of an object: X axis is the distance left and right and the Y axis is the
distance up and down. In a two-dimensional perspective, the Z axis is not recognized.
Uniform The state of multiple objects being the same.
Units Any fixed quantity, measure, etc.
USB Interface
(Universal Serial Bus) An external peripheral interface standard for communication between a
computer and external peripherals over a cable using bi-serial transmission.
Value The quantity for which a symbol stands.
Vertical A plane or axis that is plum - the Y axis.
Voltage The units of electrical force - the ampere current that flows through a conductor.
The amount of space occupied in three dimensions - cubic contents.
The strength or loudness of sound.
Washer A flat disk of metal, rubber, etc., used to make a seat for the head of a bolt, screw, or nut.
The amount of electrical power to operate an electrically powered device - arrived by
multiplying amperage by voltage.
Wear To diminish in quality by repetitive activity.
Wireless Operates with electromagnetic waves and not with conducting wire.
Wiring Harness Multiple electrical wires bundled together.
A protocol for controlling the flow of data between computers and other devices on an
asychronous serial connection.
For example, a computer typically sends data to a printer faster than the printer can print. The
printer contains a buffer where data is stored until it catches up, a small microprocessor in the
printer sends back an Xoff signal to stop sending data. When enough data is printed and the
buffer storage becomes free, the printer sends an Xon signal to resume sending data.