Special Notes 1. A reverse image area is affected by the rotate commands.
Therefore, always assume the printer is in the normal print
orientation when designing and sending the Reverse Image
2. If using reverse images with the form overlay, place this command
before the Form Overlay command in the data stream.
3. If the Rotate commands are used with this command, the V and H
parameters are reversed.
4. If the height and width to be reversed contain other than
alphanumeric data, the area is not printed.
5. If the values specified exceed the maximum ranges, the reverse
image is not created.
6. The maximum allowable settings are as follows:
CL408 CL412 CL608 CL612
0001 to 0832 0001 to 1248 0001 to 1216 0001 to 1984
0001 to 1424 0001 to 2136 0001 to 1424 0001 to 2136
Section 4. Programming Reference
SATOCL Series Printers9001035 Rev. EPage 4-67