Unit 3: Installation
SATO GT4xxe Series Operator Manual PN 9001138B Page 3-4
The size and type of the labels or tags to be printed should have been taken into consideration
before printer purchase. Ideally, the media width will be equal to, or just narrower than, the print
head. Using media that does not cover the print head will allow the platen roller to tread on it and
wear it out. The media edge will also wear a groove in the platen roller affecting print quality.
There are two general media types that may be loaded and used; rolled and fan-folded. Each of
those types may again be defined by whether their print application is direct thermal or thermal
transfer. Those factors determine how the media is loaded and if ribbon stock is loaded at all.
Thermal transfer media requires the use of ribbon stock for print application. In such a scenario,
it is the ribbon stock (carbon paper) that contains the ink that will be transfered to the media.
Direct thermal media has the ink embedded within and is brought to the surface through heat
penetration by print head contact.
Rolled media of standard diameter is loaded within the printer and suspended by the media
holder. Larger, non-standard rolled media would be suspended outside the printer at its rear and
fed inward. Fan-folded media would also be fed inward from the rear but is stacked as opposed
to suspended.
Refer to Figures 3-3a and 3-3b for proper media routing relative to the type to be used. If that to
be used is direct thermal, ignore the ribbon stock in the figures and do not load that.
Figure 3-3a, Rolled Media & Ribbon Loading
MediaRibbon Roll
Print Assembly
Media Ramp
Label Damper
Media Holder
Media Guide