124 SATO RISC Printers
3. Command Code Quick Reference Programming Manual
2 24 x 24 matrix
b = Indicates the format that data stream was stored
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
bb = Memory location where the character was
Valid locations are 21 to 52 or “!” to “R” in hex
Laabb Character Expansion. Expands characters in both
aa = Multiple to expand horizontally (01-12)
bb = Multiple to expand vertically (01-12)
e,f,g,i Download Protocol Command Codes. Downloads a
user defined set of Alternate Protocol Command
Codes. See Appendix E for details on the proper usage
of this command.
M Font type. Specifies the 13W x 20H dot matrix font
(including descenders).
NRotate. Moving Base Reference Point. Sets the origi-
nal base reference point and returns printing to normal
OA Font type. Specifies the OCR-A font with dot matrix.
OB Font type. Specifies the OCR-B font dot matrix.
Paa Character Pitch. Designates the number of dots bet-
ween characters.
aa = Number of dots between characters (01-99)
PR Fixed Font Spacing. Returns the printer to fixed cha-
racter spacing mode.
PS Proportional Font Spacing. Places the printer in the
proportional character spacing mode. Will not work
with U Font.
Qaaaaaa Print Quantity. Specifies the total number of labels to
aaaaaa =Total number of labels to print for the job