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Order Options D/E Essailec Connector Arrangement
Step 1: Mount the Meter
Meter Battery Considerations
The meter’s battery life expectancy depends on both temperature and the
amount of time the meter is without power. For typical installations, the
battery should last 10 years minimum at 25ºC meter ambient operating
temperature. The battery is field replaceable (see “Replacing the Battery” on
page 31).
Meter Port Essailec Connector Pin Description
Measurement Inputs
I11 A01 standard
I12 A1 standard
I21 A02 standard
I22 A2 standard
I31 A03 standard
I32 A3 standard
I41 A04 optional
I42 A4 optional
Measurement Inputs
Uref B0 standard
U1 B1 standard
U2 B2 standard
U3 B3 standard
Digital Inputs
DI-SCOM B5 standard; Common
DI1 B6 standard
DI2 B7 standard
DI3 B8 standard
Power Supply Inputs
Power Supply N/- B4 Power Supply neutral (-)
Power Supply L/+ B9 Power Supply line (+)
Form C Solid-state
DO1 & DO2 K C0 standard; Common
DO1 C1 standard; NO
DO1 C2 standard; NC
DO2 C3 standard; NO
DO2 C4 standard; NC
DO3 & DO4 K C5 standard; Common
DO3 C6 standard; NO
DO3 C7 standard; NC
DO4 C8 standard; NO
DO4 C9 standard; NC
Form C Mechanical
Alarm K D0 standard; Common
Alarm D1 standard; NO
Alarm D2 standard; NC
-D3 Unused
RS-485 Com
RS-485 Shield D5 RS-485 Shield
RS-485 + D6 RS-485 +
RS-485 - D7 RS-485 -
-D8 Unused
IRIG-B Clock
IRIG-B input common D4
optional; clock synch input
IRIG-B input D9 optional; clock synch input