Filling the Water Heater
Never usethis water heater unlessit is completely filled
with water. To prevent damageto the tank, the tank must
be filled with water_Water must flow from the hot water
faucet before turning "ON" gasto the water heater.
To fill the water heater with water:
1, Close the water heater drain valve by turning the han-
dle to the right (clockwise) The drain valve is on the
lower front of the water heater.,
2 Open the cold water supply valve to the water heater
NOTE: The cold water supplyvalve must be left open
when the water heater ism use.
3, To insurecomplete filling of the tank, allow air to exit
by opening the nearest hot water faucet.. Allow water
to run untila constant flow is obtained., This will let air
out of the water heater and the piping.
4. Check all new water piping for leaks°Repair asneeded,
VENT DAMPERS - Any vent damper, whether it isol_erated
thermally or otherwise must be removed if its use Inhibits
proper drafting of the water heater.
Thermally Operated Vent Dampers: Gas-fired water heaters
having thermal efficiency in excessof 80% may produce a
relatively low flue Rastemperature. Such temperatures may.
not be high enough to properly open thermally operated
vent dampers. Thm_swould cause spillage of flue gasesand
may causecarbon monoxide poisoning.
Vent dampers must bear evidence of-certification as com-
plying widththe latest edition of the American National
Standard ANSI Z21.68 (ANSI Z21_66 & 67, respectively,
cover electrically and mechanically actuated vent dampers).
Before installation of any vent damper, consult the local
Sears Service Center or gas utility for further information.
To insureproperventingof thisgas-firedwater heater,the
correctventp=_pediametermustbeutilized_Anyadditions or
deletionsof othergasappliancesona commonventwiththis
waterheatermay adverselyaffect theoperationofthe water
heater_Consultthe localSearsServiceCenteror gasutilityif
_or proper venting in certain installations, a larger diameter
vent pipe may be necessary. Due to great variances in
installations, unforeseeable by the manufacturer of the
water heater, you must consult your gas company to aid
you in determining the proper venting, for your.water heater.
from the vent tables in the latestedition of the National Fuel
Gas CodeANSI Z223 1,also referred to as NFPA54
Check the venting system for signs of obstruction or deterio-
ration and replace if needed,
The combustion and ventilation air flow must not be
Obstructed or deteriorated vent systemsmay present
serioushealth riskor asphyxiation_
14Place the draft hood legs in the receiving holes on the
top of the water heater,,The legs will snap in the holes
to give a tight fit.
2, Place the vent pipe over the draft hood, With the vent
pipe in position, drill a small hole through both the
vent pipe and draft hood Secure them together with a
sheet metal screw,
",_ _ S_RE_"_ DRAFT HOOD
The waterheaterwith draft hoodinstalledmusthe connect-[
ed to a chimneywhich terminatesto the outdoors°Never I
operatethe water heaterunlessit is ventedto the outdoorsI
Iandhasadequateair supply toavoid risksof improperopera- [
[tion,explosionor asphyxiation. J
...... WARNING
Theventpipefromthe water heatermust beno lessthanthe
Idiameterof thedraft hoodoutlet onthewaterheater,andmust
Lslopeupwardtothechimneyatleast'1,inchper linear foot.
All vent gases must be completely vented to the outdoors
of the structure (dwelling), Install only the draft hood pro-
vided with the new water heater and no other draft hood
Vent pipes must be secured at each joint with sheet metal
There must be a minimum of6"clearance betweensinglewall
vent pipe and any combustiblematerial Fill and sealany clear-
ance between single wall vent pipe and combustible material
with mortar mix, cement, or other noncombustible substance
Forother thansinglewall, follow vent pipe manufacturer'sclear-
ancespecifications Toinsurea tight fitof thevent pipe in a brick
chimney,sealaroundthevent pipe with mortarmix cement
Failureto haverequired clearancesbetween vent piping
and combusbblematerial will resultin a fire hazard.
Besure ventpipeisprol_erlyconnectedto preventescapeof
Chemicalvapor,corrosionof the flue and vent systemmay
occur if air for combustioncontainscertainchemicalvapors°
Spra_canpropellants, cleaningsolvents,refrigeratorandair
conditionerrefrigerants,swimmingpool chemicals,calcium
and sodium chloride,waxes, bleachand processchemicals