a)Set the 6 and 12 Volt selector switchto
match the voltage of the battery being
b)Connect charger to a battery as out-
c) Plug AC power cord into 120 Volt, 60 Hz
d)The amber light indicates battery is
being charged, the green light indicates
battery is fully charged, and the red light
indicates trouble. See more detailed
exPlanation below.
• When properly connected, the amber
LED indicator should illuminate, This
indicator will stay illuminated until the
battery voltage has reached approxi-
mately 14,4 Volt and the charge cur-
rent has decreased to 0.5 Amps. At
this point, the amber indicator turns
off and the green indicator turns on.
Also at this point, the internal voltage
reference of the charger will change
in order to maintain the battery volt-
age at 13.2 Volt. At this lower voltage,
charger current istypically a few mil-
liamperes (mA) (1 mA = 0.001 A).
Under this condition called maintain,
most batteries can be left charging
indefinitely. If the battery is loaded
with 0.5 Amps or greater white in the
maintain condition, the charger will
change back to the normal charging
condition described above.
• Never leave the battery connected to
the charger while the charger is un-
plugged from the AC outlet. The
charger draws a few milliamperes
(mA) from the battery and will eventu-
ally rundown the battery.
The Red LED indicates an overload
condition. Common causes are short-
ing of the battery clamps, reverse-
polarity connection to a battery, and
charging a problem battery. An over-
load condition could also be caused
by charging two or more batteries in
parallel or charging a battery larger
than the size commonly used in a car
or truck. Once the charger goes into
the overload state, it will not auto-
matically reset to the normal charge
state. One of the battery clamps must
first be disconnected from the battery
for at least 5 seconds.
This charger has a rated output of 1.5
Amps. This output will vary with the age
and condition ofthe battery beingcharged.
Ampere Hour Average Charge
Battery Capacity Times in Hours
10 10-12.5
12 12-15+0
20 20-25,0