Upflow Installations Top Vent
_ ellowor blackPlastic
& Clamps
Pressure Switch Detail
DrainConnector Black PVC
3/4"PVCXl/z" CPVC
Casing Grommet
Black Rubber
(Loose parts bag)
DrainLineVentTee3/4"PVC or
l/z" CPVC(Fieldsupplied)
le Pressure Switch
DrainTube(&Clamps) BlackRubber /8 ID,
Cut length tofit (Loosepartsbag)
ID RubberTube
Upflow Installations Top Vent (SeeFigure 9)
Remove plug from the side of the furnace casing where Drain Tu be
will exit.
Install casing grommet (black rubber 5/8" ID grommet - in loose
parts bag)
Install the 1/2" CPVC street elbow on discharge of Trap
Install the black PVC tube connector (3/4" PVC x 1/2" CPVC from
loose parts bag) as shown in the illustration above.
Cut the black Drain Tube (5/8" ID - in loose parts bag) to length to
fit between Trap and tube connector through grommet.
Clamp both ends of the Drain Tube using clamps provided.
Glue the CPVC street elbow to the Trap using appropriate cleaner
and solvent cement.
Connect the Tee trap and the main drain line exiting the casing as
shown Figure 18.
Note: It is recommended that all PVC piping and fitting connec-
tions be fit up and inspected before final cementing. Trap must be
primed before operation. Verify all condensate drain connec-
tions are securely clamped. A coupling and clamps (in loose part
bag) may be installed as shown for future servicing of the vent sys-
[_ 44001102004