Your new Countertop Water Filter
features a combinafion of filtration
technologies to reduce unwanted
contaminants In a water supply2
The following technologies are com-
bined in the unique muftFfunotlonal
EcoWater RCCWF which reduces lead,
taste and odor to give you clear
sparkling drinking water:
First Stage: Mechanical Filtration
A melt blown polypropylene outer sleeve
prefilters all water flowing through your
system, reducing rust, sediment and
other debris. This prefiltratlon significantly
Increases the life of the carbon block,
therefore extending the life of the Filter.
Second Staae: Advanced Carbon Block
The second stage utilizes carbon block
technology and a special ATS2Sorbent
Media to reduce taste and odors,
chlorine and lead, The activated carbon
block provides high adsorptive capacity
and extreme uniformity at an economi-
cal cost. ATSutilizes a proprietary formu-
lation to selectively reduce soluble lead
from water supplies. Its speed and high
capacity make it an Ideal media for a
single cartridge filter system.
Thank you again for purchasing your
EcoWater Countertop Water Filter. We
hope you will enjoy It as much as we
enjoyed developing if for you,
Filter Cutaway
water flow Into
the filter
filtered water
to the faucet
Figure 2
I 5_ p_-_'CI Oota _eet _ _fIc cOntamlnanf r_Mor_
2 ATS_ Is a ti_a_ll _ ot tt_ IEngelna_ Co_a_cn.
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carbon block