
ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[26] ESC & k # W [1B,26,6B,#,57] D Controls print direction. (Valid for PCL3+, PCL+D)
[27,38,107,#,87] D - Print direction is set as follows.
# = 0 (30H) :Unidirectional Print(left to right)
# = 1 (31H) :Bidirectional Print
# = 2 (32H) :Pre-directional Print
[27] ESC & l # A [1B,26,6C,#,41] H Designates paper size.
[27,38,108,#,65] D - Paper size is set as follows.
# = 0 (30H) :(Setting in the setup mode)
# = 2 (32H) :Letter
# = 3 (33H) :Legal
# = 26 (32H,36H) :A4
# = 81 (38H,31H) :ENVELOP Business(Com 10)
[28] ESC & l # C [1B,26,6C,#,43] H Sets VMI(Vertical motion index).
[27,38,108,#,67] D - VMI is set by 1/48 inch.
- VMI is defined as the distance where the
print position moves when the LF code is
input. If # is 8, the print position moves in 6
lpi vertically.
[29] ESC & l # D [1B,26,6C,#,44] H Sets the line spacing. VMI(Vertical motion index)
[27,38,108,#,68] D # = The number of LPI (lines per inch).
ex. # = 8 (38H) :8 LPI
[30] ESC & l # E [1B,26,6C,#,45] H Sets Top margin by VMI. (where # = “1 , 2 ,...)
[27,38,108,#,69] D
When the top margin is set, the text length to be default.
In case of Skip perforation ON
Text length = page length- Top margin-1/2"
(Bottom margin set to 1/2")
In case of Skip perforation OFF
Text length = page length- Top margin
(Bottom margin set to 0")
[31] ESC & l # F [1B,26,6C,#,46] H Sets Text length.
[27,38,108,#,70] D - Text length is set by line by VMI.
[32] ESC & l # H [1B,26,6C,#,48] H Sets paper path.
[27,38,108,#,72] D - The mode set as follows.
# = 0 (30H) :Eject Paper
# = 1 (31H) :Feed from BIN 1
# = 2 (32H) :Feed from manual insertion
# = -1 (2DH,31H) :Select fanfold paper
# = 8 : BIN 2
# = 9 : BIN1+2
Note:When the "NOT INSTALLED" is selected in the
" SETUP #49 CSF OPTIONS" the CSF command is the
same as #=0.
[33] ESC & l # L [1B,26,6C,#,4C] H Designates/Cancels skip perforation mode.
data [27,38,108,#,76] D - Paper path is set as follows.
# = 0 (30H) :Cancels the mode
# = 1 (31H) :Designates the mode
[34] ESC & l # P [1B,26,6C,#,50] H Sets page length by VMI.
[27,38,108,#,80] D
[35] ESC & p # X [1B,26,70,#,58] H Receives data as text.
[27,38,112,#,88] D
[36] ESC & s # C [1B,26,73,#,43] H Designates/Cancels wraparound..
[27,38,115,#,67] D # = 0 (30H) :Designates wraparound
# = 1 (31H) :Cancels wraparound
B. Control code summary (HP)