You’re Fired!
Once The Donald has all the information he needs, he’ll make his
decision and one of the characters on the losing team will be fi red!
The player using the fi red character will have to perform some sort of
forfeit for his failure. He might have to get his teammates something to
drink, clean up all the dishes in the room, or even confess some dark
secret – like what he really hates about his real life job!
Remember, even if you have been fi red you’re not totally out of the
game. Project Managers are allowed to seek help from fi red characters
once during each episode, so you might be tapped for help often. In
addition, Donald is known to enjoy shaking things up. What better
way to do that than by returning a fi red character to the show? With a
little luck, you could still end up as The Apprentice!
The Donald Says…
At the end of each episode, there is a chance that Donald will decide to
even the playing fi eld. There are many ways he can do this. He might
move characters from one team to the other, fi re an extra player, bring
back a fi red character, or even decide to make someone become the
Project Manager on the next episode – whether they want to be or not!
The Next Episode
After the fi rst episode is fi nished, it’s time to get started on the next
one! This plays just like the fi rst one, starting with the selection of a
new project manager (or the same one, if you want!) and fi nishing
with another trip to The Boardroom. Episode by episode, the season
progresses and characters are removed from the show.
You’re Hired!
Eventually, the game is going to come down to two players – one on
each team – facing off in the fi nal episode of the season. The winner of
that challenge will emerge triumphant and become The Apprentice!
Optional Rule:
Playing With Two Players
Although The Apprentice is designed to be played by between 4 and 12
people, it makes an excellent 2 player game as well.
When playing like this, each player should select between 2 and 6
characters for his team and place their ID badges face up in front of
him, showing the side matching the color of his team. If a character
is fi red, the appropriate ID badge is set aside. If a character changes
teams, the player hands it to his opponent.
A very small portion of the population have a condition that may cause them
to have epileptic seizures or suffer a momentary loss of consciousness when
viewing certain kinds of fl ashing lights or patterns commonly presented in
our daily environment. These people may experience seizures while watching
some television pictures or playing certain video games. People who have
not had any previous seizures may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic
condition. If you or anyone you may know has experienced symptoms linked
to an epileptic condition (e.g. seizures or loss of awareness), please consult your
physician before playing any video games. We recommend that parents observe
their children while they play video games. If you or your child experience any
of the following symptoms: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching,
involuntary movements, loss of awareness, disorientation, or convulsions,
discontinue use of video games and consult your physician.
Image Retention Warning
Some televisions and monitors can be damaged by video game images. This
“image retention” is most commonly caused by test patterns, programming
screens, paused video games, and other unchanging images. In general,
Projection TVs are more vulnerable to this type of damage. Before using your
game system, be sure to review the documentation supplied with your television
or video monitor to determine whether or not you can safely play video games on