Remote Power On/Off for Windows NT, model #PPNT, makes use of the UPS Service much the same way as a UPS
does. Whenever Remote Power On/Off is going to power the system OFF, it signals the UPS Service to ShutDown the
operating system before doing so. The Remote Power On/Off, however, does not act entirely like a UPS. Both the
Power Failure and Low Battery signals occur at the same time and the amount of time before the power is turned OFF is
at 3 minutes 30 seconds. Thus, the UPS Service must be configured appropriately for these operating parameters of
Remote Power On/Off.
There are two parts to configuring the Windows NT UPS Service for use with the Remote Power On/Off -- 1)
configuring the service to automatically startup when Windows NT loads, and 2) configuring the service for the proper
COM port and operating parameters of the Remote Power On/Off. The following screen shots show the required
settings. See Microsoft's help for more information about the various items on each screen.
1) To configure the NT UPS service to automatically startup when Windows NT loads, begin by selecting "Services"
from the Control Panel.
The Services window will be displayed:
Click on "UPS" and then the "Startup" button.
The UPS Service startup parameters will be displayed (shown next page).
Remote Power On/Off Appendix C | Windows NT/2000/XP ShutDown • 51