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Find a set of relative words for ‘make’.
1. Press
to open the
New Oxford
Thesaurus of English
The spelling input screen of the
Thesaurus appears.
2. Input ‘make’.
As you type, options are narrowed. If
the desired word is found, then you do
not need to type any more letters.
3. While ‘
’ appears on the left of ‘make’,
. The detail view of the
word ‘make’ appears.
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Using the
New Oxford
Thesaurus of English
•To search a word in the detail view, use the Super Jump function.
• Press
to return to the previous screen.
• Press
^ l
to list the headwords in the
New Oxford Thesaurus of
•To search a different word, simply begin inputting a new word, or press
to go to the input screen of the
New Oxford Thesaurus of English
If there is no match found
The same view / message appears as for the
Oxford Dictionary of English
. See
page 14 for details.
Note about entering characters
While entering characters, exclude characters such as spaces, hyphens,
apostrophes, slashes, and periods. See page 12 for details.
• Up to 24 characters can be entered in the input field. When searching words
containing 25 characters or more, narrow down the search to select the words
from the list manually.
Browsing Notes
When the icons appear in the detail view, a note can be selected and
browsed. For details, refer to page 10-11.
• In many cases, the
icon only appears at the bottom of an entry, but
contains important information about usage of the headword as a whole. If
unsure about usage, scroll down to the bottom of the entry to access any
relevant notes.