In Dolby Digital(AC-3) mode, repeat
the above steps 14 and 15 to adjust the
rear delay time.
IInn tthhee ssuurrrroouunndd mmooddeess eexxcceepptt ffoorr
tthhee nnoorrmmaall sstteerreeoo mmooddee,, aaddjjuussttiinngg
The delay time will be displayed for 5 seconds.
The corresponding delay time is displayed. The
center delay time can only be adjusted in the Dolby
Digital (AC-3) mode.
When playing Dolby Digital (AC-3) program
sources in the THEATER, HALL 1 or HALL 2
modes, the center and rear delay times can be
adjusted just as they are in the Dolby Digital (AC-3)
Each time this button is pressed, the delay time
changes in regular intervals.
If the delay time disappears, start from the step 13
When the distances from the prime listening position to front
left, center, front right, rear left and rear right speakers are
same, the basic settings are as follows according to the
surround modes;
In the Dolby Digital(AC-3) mode
Center delay time : 0 ms, Rear delay time : 0 ms
In the Dolby Pro Logic, Theater, Hall 1 and Hall 2 modes
Rear delay time : 15 ms
If the center or the rear speaker(s) is(are) not at the same
distance from the prime listening position as the front
speakers, increase or decrease the center delay time by 1 ms
for every about 30 cm(1 foot) it is closer or farther away and
increase or decrease the rear delay time by 5 ms for every
about 1~1.5 m(3~5 feet) it is closer or farther away.
DDoowwnnmmiixxiinngg iinnttoo 22 ffrroonntt cchhaannnneellss
To cancel the 2-CH downmix mode, select the
desired surround mode.
When play is stopped or interrupted, etc., the 2-CH
downmix mode is not canceled even though “ST”
and the Dolby Digital(AC-3) indicators goes off.
If the headphones are plugged and the SPEAKER
switch is set to off while playing the Dolby Digital
(AC-3) program sources, it will enter the 2-CH
downmix mode automatically(but only the Dolby
Digital(AC-3) indicator lights up still) and if the
headphones are unplugged and the SPEAKER
switch is set to on in the 2-CH downmix mode, it
will return to the previous mode.
Allows the multi-channel Dolby Digital(AC-3) signal to
be reproduced through only two speakers or through
When playing the Dolby Digital(AC-3) program
sources, press the STEREO button.
“ST” and the Dolby Digital(AC-3) indicators light up,
meaning it enters the 2-CH downmix mode, and then
the 5 discrete channels(front L, center, front R, rear L
and rear R) are mixed down to 2 front channels.
Adjust the delay time.
Check the delay time to be adjusted.
The rear delay time can be memorized without
pressing the DELAY TIME button.
Memorize the delay time.