▼Setting items
Chapter 12 Ethernet parameter "ETHERNET"
Specifies whether to transmit the TRAP if an engine-related error occurs
(except for technical call error).
When an error occurs, TRAP is sent to the TRAP manager which was
specified in the TRAP manager described above.
If the TRAP manager item is not specified, setting to ON is disabled.
<Parameter (choice input method)> : Default value
Specifies whether to send the TRAP at the completion of job printing.
When this operation is not set to OFF, TRAP conditions can be specified
by TRAP**:IP address or TRAP**:PORT operation.
<Parameter (choice input method)> : Default value
OFF/ON (IP address)/ON (PORT)
IP address is enabled and can be specified setting when the <ON (IP
address)> is selected from the operation TRAP** job menu. When
specified IP address is identical to the IP address of the receiving host,
TRAP is transmitted to the TRAP manager. When it is set to, TRAP is transmitted to all jobs received.
<Parameter (numerical input method)> to
Default value: