3.4 Genuine Spare Parts
Spare parts and accessories are manufactured uniquely for the Mambo Surface Prep. It must be
emphasized that parts obtained from unauthorized sources must not be used.
Sinclair Equipment Company cannot be held responsible for the performance of or any damage
arising from the use of machines in which genuine spare parts have not been used.
This is particularly important with milling discs.
4.0 Maintenance
The Mambo Surface Prep is virtually maintenance free. The roller bearings and gear box
need not be lubricated.
5.0 Use
Inserting the safety and suction ring
Lay the machine down on the handle. Thus
the support of the discs is accessible.
- Insert safety ring
- Mount at once a disc to fix the
suction ring
Assembly of mounting discs, pads and brushes
Lay the machine down on the handle. Thus
the support of the discs is accessible. Put the
mounting disc on the actuation and lock it
by turning anti-clockwise.
Mounting the additional weight
Always lock the additional weight with the
screw nuts. Use only the genuine Sinclair
Do not use any other weights! This may
overstress the machine.