Hydronic Explorer 2 User Manual
Tubing Calculator
The Tubing Calculator pane allows you to determine the tubing size and calculate the length of tubing
that you require for the installation.
Distance to Manifold (ft) – enter the distance from one end of the loop to the manifold (leader length).
The system will automatically double this in its calculation to allow for the return path.
Tube Size – the default value is ½", but you can select other sizes. As the value increases, the Max
Loop Length (see below) increases. Increasing the Tube Size may reduce the number of loops
(Number of Radiant Loops) required.
Radiant Tube Spacing (in.) – the on-center spacing of the tubing installation. The default value is 8".
Normal values are 8" to 10", although 12" is occasionally used. As you increase this value, the
Radiant Tube in Floor (see below) decreases.
Radiant Tube in Floor (ft) – the system calculated length of tubing required for each loop. This value
can be changed by changing Radiant Tube Spacing (see above) or the number of loops in Number
of Radiant Loops (see below).
Number of Radiant Loops – the number of loops to be installed. The default value is 1, but you can
change this value.
Loop Lengths (ft) – the total length of each loop. It is calculated as follows: (1) divide Radiant Tube
in Floor by Number of Radiant Loops, (2) double the Distance to Manifold, and (3) add it to step 1.
The value will be displayed in red if it exceeds the Max Loop Length (see below). You can lower the
Loop Lengths by increasing Radiant Tube Spacing or Number of Radiant Loops. Alternatively,
you can increase the Max Loop Length by increasing Tube Size.
Max Loop Length (ft) – the maximum suggested length allowed for each loop. This can be value can
be changed by changing Tube Size.
Linear Feet Required – the total length of tubing required for the installation.
Calculating Radiant Tubing Requirements
This procedure will determine the tube size, tubing length, and requirements for supplemental heating.
1. In the Heat Loss – Heated Area pane, do the following:
a. If the total floor area is not available for radiant floor heating, enter a revised value in the Heated
Floor Area (sq ft) box. Calculate this value by subtracting the total area of all unheated parts of
the floor from the Room Size (sq ft).
b. Enter a value in the Max Floor Temp (F) box. The default value is 80.
Slant/Fin Corporation 19