Volume Adjustment
If your hub is connected to speakers, adjust the volume by pressing Volume.
Adjust the volume by moving the slider up to increase the volume, or down to
decrease the volume.
You can also control volume adjustment through the volume button on the
SystemOn Module connected to the pen tray.
System Help
Your hub includes Help.
To view Help 1. Select System > Help.
2. Press a help topic to view the associated information.
Starting Your Hub Session
There are three ways to start a new session.
Situation Procedure
Your SMART product is turned off. Turn on your SMART product as
documented in the user’s guide.
Your SMART product is turned on, but
the display is blank.
Swipe your finger or a pen tray pen
across your SMART product’s display.
Your hub has timed out and is in
Sleep mode.
Swipe your finger or a pen tray pen
across your SMART product’s display.