Instructions for the user
10.2.4 Burner caps, flame cap crowns and burners
The burner caps, flame cap crowns and burners are
extractable to facilitate cleaning. Wash them with hot
water and non-abrasive detergent, taking care to
remove incrustation, and leave them to dry
completely. Reassemble the burner caps on their
crowns, ensuring that niches A are centred with
burner pins B.
10.2.5 Ignition plugs and thermocouples
To work well, the ignition plugs and thermocouples must
always be very clean. Check them frequently and clean
them with a wet rag if necessary. Any dry residue should be
removed with a toothpick or a needle.
10.3 Cleaning of ovens (without self-cleaning panels)
To keep an oven in good condition it must be cleaned regularly. Let it
cool first. Take out all the removable parts.
In the main oven, remove the shelf runners by unscrewing the ring-nut
“A” and extract them from the runner “B” by pulling outward. (Fig. 1)
In the auxiliary oven, remove the shelf runners by lifting them at the front
and extracting them from their rear holes. (Fig. 2)
• Clean the oven grill and side guides with hot water and non-abrasive
detergent. Rinse and dry.
• Clean the internal walls of the oven with a soft ammoniac-soaked
cloth. Rinse and dry. If there are still stains or drops, place a damp
ammoniac-soaked cloth on the bottom of the oven, close the door
and after a few hours wash the oven with hot water and liquid
detergent. Rinse and dry.
10.3.1 Self-cleaning liners