UK - 6 -
Crisper and Crisper Shelf
The crisper compartment absorbs and
decomposes ethylene gas (*) emitted from fruits
and vegetables with a “FILTER” in the crisper shelf,
keeping fruits and vegetables fresh. The filter also
eliminates unpleasant odours from inside the
crisper, and control the excess water released by
the vegetables, maintaining a high humidity
environment inside the crisper. When the crisper
shelf become dirty, remove the filter by taking out
the filter cover and wash the crisper cover with water.
! Do not wash the “Humidity-Control Filter” with water.
(*)NOTE; Ethylene gas is a gas, produced from fruits and vegetables, which acceler-
ates the ageing of fruits and vegetables. For example, spinach and broccoli turn to yellow
colour easily in places where ethylene gas is abundant.
Sebzelik rafı
Filtre kapağı
Crisper Cover
Filter Cover
Chiller Shelves
Keeping food in the Chiller compartment
instead of the freezer or refrigerator compartment
allows food retain freshness and flavour longer,
while preserving its fresh appearance. When chiller
tray becomes dirty, remove it and wash it with water.
(Water freezes at 0°C, but foods containing salt
or sugar freeze at temperature lower than that)
Normally people use the chiller compartment
for raw fish, lightly pickled, rice, etc...
Do not put foods you want to freeze or ice trays in order to make ice.
(For some models)
(For some models)
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