SonicWALL SSL VPN 4000 Getting Started Guide Page 15
To set your NetExtender address range, perform the following steps:
1. Select the NetExtender > Client Settings page.
2. Enter an address range for your clients in the Client Address Range Begin and
Client Address Range End fields.
Note: If you have too few available addresses to support your desired number of
concurrent NetExtender users you may use a new subnet for NetExtender. This
condition might occur if your existing DMZ or LAN is configured in NAT mode with a small
subnet space, such as, or more commonly if your DMZ or LAN is
configured in Transparent mode and you have a limited number of public addresses from
your ISP.
In either case, you may assign a new, unallocated IP range to NetExtender (such as to and configure a route to this range on your gateway
Scenario C Select a range that falls within your existing LAN subnet. For
example, if your LAN uses the subnet, and
you want to support up to 10 concurrent NetExtender sessions,
you could use to, providing
they are not already in use.
Scenario A to
(default range)
Scenario B An unused range within
your DMZ subnet.
Scenario C An unused range within
your LAN subnet.