Page 14
Registering and Licensing SonicWALL GMS
All instances of SonicWALL GMS must be registered and licensed before use. This
requirement applies to both single server deployments or distributed deployments on
multiple servers, to fresh or upgraded installations, and to software installations on
Windows servers or to SonicWALL UMA appliances.
This section contains the following subsections:
• “Registering / Licensing SonicWALL GMS After a Fresh Install” on page 14
• “Registering Associated Servers in a Distributed Deployment” on page 17
Registering / Licensing SonicWALL GMS After a Fresh Install
SonicWALL GMS registration is performed using the SonicWALL Universal Management
Host (UMH) system interface. When installing SonicWALL Universal Management
Suite 7.0 on a server, or host, a Web server is installed to provide the UMH system
interface. The system interface is available by default at http://localhost/ after restarting
the system.
To complete registration, the system must have access to the Internet and you must
have a MySonicWALL account. The SonicWALL License Manager, available on the
System > Licenses page of the UMH system interface, allows you to log in and enter
your registration information on the SonicWALL registration site, mysonicwall.com.
Note: MySonicWALL registration information is not sold or shared with any other
The License Manager provides a way to register the product as either SonicWALL GMS
or SonicWALL Analyzer. Your choice determines the remaining installation process after
registration and licensing are completed. In this guide, SonicWALL GMS registration is
To register and license SonicWALL GMS on this server, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click the SonicWALL Universal Management Suite 7.0 desktop icon or open
a Web browser and enter http://localhost/ to launch the UMH system interface.
Note: If you specified a custom port (a port other than the default port 80) in “Installing
Universal Management Suite 7.0” on page 8, modify the URL as follows: http://
localhost:<port>/. For example, if you specified port 8080, the URL would be