12 | Chapter 3 - Anti-Spam Techniques
Adding Lists to the Allowed List
Email messages from mailing-list servers do not always come from the same email address or
FROM: field in the address. This makes it difficult to add list messages to the Allowed list.
The email messages are from the person who posted the message to the list-server and the
message is addressed to the mailing list. You can only add and delete Allowed lists.
X To add email lists to Allowed Lists
1. Navigate to Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing > Lists.
2. Click Add to add mailing lists to Allowed Lists.
3. Enter the address for one or more of the lists, pressing Enter after each one.
4. Click Add. The updated Allowed Lists window appears.
Configuring Anti-Spam Aggressiveness
If you want to change how aggressively your mail is filtered, use the Anti-Spam Aggressiveness
window. Increasing the aggressiveness means you get less spam, but increases your chances of a
valid email being classified as spam. SonicWALL recommends using the default setting of Medium
or 3 unless you require different settings for specific types of spam blocking.