
SonicWALL UMA EM5000 Getting Started Guide Page 37
To configure the database settings for any role, perform the
following steps in the appliance management interface:
1. Navigate to the Deployment > Role page and select the
role for this appliance.
2. To run the MySQL database on this SonicWALL UMA
EM5000, select the Include Database (MYSQL)
checkbox. To use a MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server
database on another system, do not
select this checkbox.
3. Under Database Configuration, if Include Database
(MYSQL) was not selected in the previous step, select
either MYSQL or SQL Server from the Database Type
drop-down list. This field is not editable if you previously
selected Include Database (MYSQL) or if the selected role
is All In One or Database Only.
4. In the Database Host field, type in the IP address of the
database server or accept the default, localhost, if this
SonicWALL UMA EM5000 includes the database. This
field is not editable if you previously selected Include
Database (MYSQL) or if the selected role is All In One or
Database Only.
5. To use a different user name when SonicWALL GMS
accesses the database, type the user name into the
Database User field. The default user name is “sa”.
6. Type the password that SonicWALL GMS will use to
access the database into both the Database Password
and Confirm Database Password fields.
7. Under Administrator Credentials, type the password for
the administrator (root) account into both the Admin
Password and Confirm Admin Password fields.
Note that the Administrator Credentials fields are only
displayed and editable in the following circumstances:
•The Database Type is MySQL
•The Include Database (MYSQL) checkbox is selected
either manually or automatically for the chosen role
•The Database Host field is set to localhost and is not
When these conditions are met, the administrator
password is required to create a regular access user
account for the SonicWALL GMS application.