
Page 22 SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance Administrator’s Guide
4. Select the appropriate Time Zone from the Time Zone menu. The SonicWALL internal clock is
set automatically by a Network Time Server on the Internet. Click Next to continue.
Connecting to the Internet
The Connecting to the Internet screen lists the information required to complete the installation. You
need instructions for obtaining an IP address automatically or IP addresses from your ISP.
5. Confirm that you have the proper network information necessary to configure the SonicWALL to
access the Internet. Click the hyperlinks for definitions of the networking terms. Click Next to
proceed to the next step.
Selecting Your Internet Connection
6. Select Assigned you a single static IP address, if your ISP has provided you with a single, valid
IP address. You can configure the SonicWALL to use NAT with a single, static IP address. The
advantages of Network Address Translation (NAT) are IP address conservation, and hiding your
IP address from a public WAN such as the Internet.