
Appendix E- Log Viewer Messages Page 51
ERROR Diffie-Hellman group generator length has not been set.
ERROR Diffie-Hellman group prime length has not been set.
ERROR DSS signature processing failed - signature is not valid.
ERROR Encryption algorithm is not supported.
ERROR ESP transform algorithm is not supported.
ERROR Failed to add a new AH entry to the phase 2 SA list.
ERROR Failed to add a new ESP entry to the phase 2 SA list.
ERROR Failed to add IPSEC encapsulation mode into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add IPSEC group description into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add IPSEC HMAC algorithm into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add IPSEC life duration into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add IPSEC life type into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY authentication algorithm into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY encryption algorithm into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY generator G1 into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY group description into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY group type into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY hash algorithm into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY life duration into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY life type into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add OAKLEY prime P into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add policy configuration INI format into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add policy configuration version into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add XAuth password '' into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add XAuth status into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add XAuth type into the payload.
ERROR Failed to add XAuth username '' into the payload.
ERROR Failed to allocate bytes.
ERROR Failed to allocate memory.
ERROR Failed to begin phase 1 exchange.
ERROR Failed to begin quick mode exchange.
ERROR Failed to build a DSS object.
Table 3: Log Viewer Messages