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Subnet - A portion of a network. Each subnet within a network shares a common
network address and is uniquely identified by a subnetwork number.
Subnet Mask - A 32-bit number used to separate the network and host sections of an IP
address. A subnet mask subdivides an IP network into smaller pieces. An example
of a subnet mask might be for subnet with only eight IP addresses.
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the basic communication
protocol of the Internet. It supports sending information in packets, and identifies
each device with a unique numeric IP address.
VPN - A Virtual Private Network is a virtual network that encrypts data and sends it
privately over the Internet to protect sensitive information.
WAN - A Wide Area Network is a geographically distributed network composed of
multiple networks joined into a single large network. The Internet is a global WAN.
WLAN - A Wireless Local Area Network is a LAN with wireless connections instead of
physical connections.