Sonos Digital Music System User Guide5-12
One or more ZonePlayers may need to be updated if you purchase a new ZonePlayer
with a later software version, or if you plug in a ZonePlayer that was not in use when
you performed your last software update.
You will also see this out-of-date message if you have already updated your music
system using the Controller. This message will indicate that the Desktop Controller
software needs to be updated.
1. Press OK to begin the software update process.
Adjusting Controller Settings
From the Music menu, select System Settings>Controller Settings and then use the
scroll wheel to highlight the preference setting you wish to change.
OK Button
• Use this preference setting to choose the action that will occur when you select
a track, and press the OK button. The track can begin to play immediately (Play
Now), it can be added to the end of your music queue (Add to End of Queue),
or you can view an options menu (Show Menu) to select one of the following
actions each time:
•Play Now
•Play Next
• Add to End of Queue