
Maintenance Page Operations
Hours Meter Page
The Hours Meter page displays the hours meter
information for the e-VTR.
H01: OPERATION HOURS (accumulated operation
Displays the total number of hours the unit has been turned
on in units of 1 hour.
H02: DRUM HOURS (accumulated head drum
rotation time)
Displays the total number of hours the head drum has
operated with tape threaded in units of 1 hour.
H03: TAPE HOURS (accumulated tape running time)
Displays the total number of hours the unit has operated in
fast-forward, rewind, playback, search, recording, or
editing mode in units of 1 hour.
H04: THREADING COUNTER (total number of
Displays the total number of times tape has been threaded
in the unit.
H12: DRUM HOURS (accumulated head drum
rotation time)
Same as H02, except that the count is resettable. Can be
used as a guide for head drum replacement.
H13: TAPE HOURS (accumulated tape running time)
Same as H03, except that the count is resettable. Can be
used as a guide for replacing fixed heads, pinch rollers and
other components.
H14: THREADING COUNTER (total number of
Same as H04, except that the count is resettable. Can be
used as a guide for the replacement of the threading motor,