Interlace Display
Most flat-panel monitors can only
display progressive images at the in-
put signal’s frame rate. In addition
to this conventional display method,
the BVM-L230 has two unique display
modes: Black Frame Insertion Display
and Interlace Display.
Black Frame Insertion Display*
Combining its high frame-rate
tion with a unique Black Frame
Insertion technology, the BVM-L230
dramatically reduces motion blur, an
artefact that is inherent to LCD devices.
Black Frame Insertion technology gen-
erates a “black” frame and inserts
this in every other picture frame. As a
result, all of the panel’s LCD molecules
are reset to their default alignments,
before the next picture frame is dis-
played. This effectively eliminates the
image lag caused by inconsistencies in
the speed at which LCD molecules are
realigned in accordance with the vid-
eo signal change. Because the number
of frames is doubled, Black Frame Inser-
tion Display reproduces the combined
picture content at twice the speed of
the input signal’s frame rate**.
Interlace Display*
The Interlace Display mode of the
BVM-L230 can display interlace input
signals as interlace fields. As with the
Native Scan function, the Interlace
Display mode offers faithful repro-
duction of the input signal and the
displayed interlace fields are free from
picture degradation.
* The brightness of the picture can be maintained
by the precision backlight system.
** The frame rates of 120 Hz and 100 Hz
are supported.
+12dB Chroma Up function
A “Chroma UP” button located on
the BKM-16R front panel allows the
Chroma Level to be boosted by +12 dB.
This is a convenient feature for adjusting
camera white balance with a higher
degree of accuracy.
Variety of Display Modes
Operational Convenience
Black Frame Insertion Display