
Date: 19-11-02 Page 7 of 8
4.1 Power supply
The mixer unit needs a power supply with 7-20 V DC. Unfortunately the receiver supplies a
maximum voltage of 6 V. Test showed that it is possible to use the 6V instead of the 7-20 V
to run the mixer unit. An other possibility is to remove the voltage regulator on the mixer unit
and replace it with a diode (e.g. 1N4007).
The 6V power lines of the mixer unit can be connected to the connector at the right side of the
PCB (back view). The +6V line is the most top solder point. The ground can be connected to
the last solder point of the connector.
It is recommended to use the external power supply and not the batteries when the receiver is
used as a DRM front end.
4.2 IF connection
The ‘hot’ line of the IF input should be connected to pin 14 of IC301. The ground connection
of the IF input should be connected to pin 12 of IC301.