analog signal
aspect ratio
A signaling method that usescontinuous changes in the amplitude or frequencyof an
electronictransmission to conveyinformation.
Refersto the ratio between the width and height of the screen.ThisTV hasa 16:9
(widescreen)aspectratio, asopposedto a 4:3 aspectratio.
4:3 aspect ratio 16:9aspect ratio
component video
Componentvideo issent through three cables:two color shade(chrominance)signalsand one
brightness (luminance)signal. Componentvideo achievesgreater color accuracythan
composite video or SVIDEOby splitting chrominanceinto two separateportions.
composite video
digital television (DTV)
National Television System
Committee (NTSC)
Composite video is sentthrough a single cable. Compositevideo combinesthe color shade
(chrominance)and brightness(luminance) information into one video signal.
A new technology for transmitting and receiving broadcasttelevision signals.DTVprovides
higher resolution and improved sound quality over analog television.
A unit of the FederalCommunicationsCommission,Washington, DC,that establishes
television standards in the United States,such asNTSCColor,the standard usedin this TV.
RadioFrequency.That part of the frequencyspectrum in which it ispossibleto radiate
(transmit) electromagnetic waves.
SVIDEOrequiresa singlecable, which carriesthe brightness(luminance) and color
(chrominance)signals of the picture separately.SVIDEOprovides better resolution than
composite video, which carriesthe signalstogether.
VHF(VeryHigh Frequency)isthe part of the radio spectrumfrom 30 to 300 megahertz. UHF
(Ultra High Frequency)isthe part of the radio spectrumfrom 300 to 3,000 megahertz.
Provides480 linesof resolution. Displaysimages using interlaced scanning,which first
transmits all the odd lineson the TVscreenand then the even lines.
Provides480 linesof resolution. Displaysimagesusing progressivescanning,which transmits
eachline from top to bottom.
Provides720 linesof resolution. Displaysimages usingprogressivescanning,which transmits
eachline from top to bottom.
Provides 1080 linesof resolution. Displaysimagesusing interlaced scanning,which first
transmits all the odd lineson the TVscreenand then the even lines. I080i isone of the
formats usedby HDTV(High Definition TV).