NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
values diffe
rent from actual ones when making configurations for the
cameras/camera servers shown below (V11R:483)
SNC-RH series
SNC-RS series
SNT-EP series
SNT-EX series
In this case, perform the adjustment of the detection area size while viewing
on the frame in the configuration screen.
・ When parameters in the Video setting tab are changed while recording, it will
affect the recording like the followings. (V11N:155)
Manual Record
All parameters in the Monitoring are reflected to the recording.
Schedule Record, Event/Alarm Record
・ In case Codec is changed
The change is reflected to the recording.
By this change, if a combination of settings in the Schedule tab become
inappropriate, settings in the Video tab are reflected to the recording
However the internal change will not reflected in the Schedule tab.
・ In case Size/Bitrate/Framerate is changed
・ In case "Device Setting" is set in the Schedule tab
The change is reflected to the recording.
・ In case settings are already specified in the Schedule tab
Settings in the Schedule tab are given priority to the Video tab.
And the settings are reflected when the schedule starts.
・ When registering many (e.g. 64) cameras with Multiple Camera Registration at
one time, NSR performance becomes worse for a while. In such condition, if you
log off NSR and log on again, it may fail. Please wait several minutes after
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