3 DASH Machines – Care and Us e
SDDS Print Master Guidelines, Page 10 of 26
3 DASH Machines – Care and Use
T here ar e fi ve model s in current use
Sony PCM3324
Sony PCM3324A
Sony PCM3324S
Sony PCM3348
Sony PCM3348HR
T he top two machines from this list can be us ed but are not recommended. The other s
have eas y provision for Fs shift pull down and have a us ef ul 0.2dB per segment
calibration mode.
Head cleaning
Ensure the utmos t care when cleaning heads on these machines . Move i n a s i de to
side di r ecti on only. Moving up and down can damage the head per manentl y and
replacement is extremely costly. Clean with isopropyl alcohol and an appr oved chamoi s
cleaning s ti ck.
Pr e-striping
Although you can manage wi th advance r ecor d mode, it is far better to pr e-s tr ipe all
tapes. Format at single s peed us i ng advance r ecor d wi th all tracks armed. SCPC does
not recommend us ing the “Pr eS tr i ping” function, which formats at 4X speed.
Number of reels on a t ape
It is best to have one tape per reel , as this makes replacing r eels much easier.
However tape cos ts are hi gh. If more than one r eel per tape is recorded, then it is
recommended that continuous timecode i s recorded thr oughout the tape.
Synchronisation errors will then be mi nimi s ed. T he box must be cl ear l y labelled wi th
start and end ti mes . T here mus t be an absolute mi nimum of 1 minute between reel s .
Five mi nutes is recommended.
If drop-ins or punch-ins are necessary, make s ur e the cr ossfade ti me on the machine i s
set to minimum. This is also another good r eas on for pre-formatting.