
CGI Command Manual
areatitling: Indication of an area title.
SiAzimuthMode "0"/"4"/"8" system system.cgi 1.00
Azimuth is set up.
0: OFF
4: 4 direction
8: 8 direction
SiAzimuthNorthPanPos <pan hex> system system.cgi 1.00 A north position is set up.
hex>,<pan_end hex>,<tilt_start
system system.cgi 1.00
Some AreaTitle is set up.
<No>: Area number (1 to 64)
<text>: Name of area title (up to 40 characters)
<pan_start>: Start position of pan
<pan_end>: End position of pan
<tilt_start>: Start position of tilt
<tilt_end>: End position of tilt
SiAreaTitleClear "<No>,<No>,..." - system.cgi 1.00
Delete some AreaTitle.
<No>: Area number (1 to 64)
SiAreaTitleNum "<No>" system - 1.00 Return the maximum value of the area which can be set up.
SiColor "0"to"6" system system.cgi 1.00
Font Color of superimpose.
0: White, 1: Black, 2: White with black border,
3: Black with white border, 4: White with black background
5: Black with white background, 6: White with transparent
When a color is different, a string "other" is returned.
SiCameraIDStyle "<Color>","<Blink>","<Style>" system system.cgi 1.00
It is a setup about the indication of the CameraID.
<Color> specifies the color of the string indicated.
0: Black, 1: Blue, 2: Red, 3: Magenta
4: Green, 5: Cyan, 6: Yellow, 7: White (Default)