Other Info Other Info
Memory Stick
Problem Possible Remedies
Image does not display/Cannot
see all files
Make sure the image file is a JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) file or an MPEG1 (.mpg, .mpeg) file.
s Make sure the Memory Stick is inserted properly (see page 78).
s Check the Filter option setting (see page 89).
s Check the Select Folder setting (see page 89) and ensure that files are either in
DCF directories if Digital Camera Folders is selected (see page 89), or in the
currently selected folder if Select a Folder is selected (see page 89).
s The maximum number of files the Memory Stick Viewer can display is 2,000 files
total, including all JPEG, MPEG1, and MP3 files.
s If you are using a Memory Stick with the Memory Select function, try changing
the position of the A/B select switch.
JPEG image displays
undesirable motion or flicker in
full screen
s JPEGs captured using a digital video camera may appear to display motion in full
screen. This is a result of the way digital video cameras record still images, and is
not a result of a malfunction with the TV.
Rotation not saved after
Memory Stick is ejected or
Memory Stick Viewer is closed
s The Memory Stick might be locked. Unlock the Memory Stick and try rotating the
image again.
s The file might not have information (EXIF data) that is usually generated when a
digital camera records a photo. In this case, it is not possible to save the rotation.
s There might be insufficient space on the Memory Stick to save the rotated file. Try
deleting one or more files and rotating the image again.
Cannot show (or hide) file
information in full screen or
Slide Show
s Set the File Information option to On or Off (see page 88).
Cannot set print quantity s The Memory Stick might be locked. Unlock the Memory Stick and try rotating the
image again.
Cannot see Menu s Press V to display the Menu again.
Cannot hear audio while using
Memory Stick
s Check the TV’s volume or Speaker (page 96) settings.
s To hear JPEG voice memo in full screen view, select the Digital Camera Folders
option and set the Filter option to Show All Print Marks.
s Check that the Music option is not to set to Off (see page 88).
Not all MP3 files on Memory
Stick are included when the
Music /Complete List option is
selected (page 88)
s The Memory Stick Viewer can display a maximum of 2,000 files total, including
all JPEG, MPEG1, and MP3 files.
s Make sure that the file is named with the file extension (.mp3).
Cannot see MP3 list to play
s MP3 files on your Memory Stick only can be played as background music during a
Slide Show (see page 88).
MP3 file does not play back
s The Memory Stick Viewer supports only MP3 files with a fixed data rate of
128 kbps (kilobits per second).
MP3 files on the Memory Stick
are not listed
s Only MP3 files that are named with the file extension (.mp3) are displayed in the
Music files are playing in wrong
s MP3 files are played in alphabetical order, according to the folder in which they
are stored. If you want to change the playlist order, rename your files
alphabetically in the order in which you want them to play.
MPEG1 movie does not play
back correctly
s Some variations of MPEG1 movies may not be compatible with the Memory Stick
s MPEG movies recorded in VX Fine mode with Sony digital cameras cannot be
played back with the Memory Stick Viewer.