Português Po Rv AAA
Antes de utilizar a sua objectiva, leia atentamente
este manual e guarde-o para futuras consultas.
Notas acerca do uso
• Evite submeter a videocâmara a manuseamentos
bruscos ou choques mecânicos, especialmente
quando a objectiva estiver acoplada.
• Na utilização da objectiva de teleconversão em
uma posição de grande angular, os cantos do
écran podem ficar escuros. Neste caso, altere a
magnificação do zoom para uma melhor posição.
• A imagem pode aparecer, às vezes, fora de foco
em algumas videocâmaras com função de
focagem automática. Ajuste o foco manualmente
em tais casos.
• Evite manter a objectiva em locais muito húmidos
por um longo período, para evitar mofo.
• Retire a objectiva de teleconversão quando do
Acoplagem da objectiva de
A objectiva de Sony VCL-2030 S teleconversão foi
projectada para a utilização com a videocâmara
Sony cujo filtro tenha 30 mm de diâmetro.
1 Remova as tampas da frente e de trás da
objectiva de teleconversão.
2 Acople a objectiva de teleconversão firmemente
na objectiva da videocâmara.
(veja ilustração 1)
Utilize a viseira antiofuscamento acessório
fornecido quando reflexöes da luz solar possam
incidir durante filmagens em exteriores.
(veja ilustração 2)
Limpeza da objectiva de
Remova a poeira na superfície da lente com uma
escova sopradora ou uma escova macia. Remova
impressões digitais ou outras manchas com um
pano macio levemente humedecido em solução de
detergente suave.
Potência da objectiva
Estrutura da objectiva
3 grupos, 3 elementos
Rosca de parafuso para videocâmara
M30,0 × 0,75
Dimensões Diâmetro máximo: ø 50 mm
Comprimento: 30,6 mm
Peso (excluindo tampas)
Aprox. 85 g
Acessórios fornecidos
Tampas de objectiva (2) (para a
frente e a traseira da objectiva)
Estojo de transporte (1)
Manual de instruções (1)
Viseira antiofuscamento (1)
Design e especificações sujeitos a alterações sem
aviso prévio.
Esta marca indica que este
produto é um acessório genuíno
para equipamento de vídeo Sony.
A Sony recomendia-lhe que,
quando adquirir equipamento de
vídeo Sony, adquira também
acessórios com o logótipo
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the
video camera recorder, especially when the lens is
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide-
angle position, the corners of the screen may
darken. In this case, change the zooming
magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on
some video camera recorders with auto focus
function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for
a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when
Attaching the tele-conversion
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is
designed for use with the Sony video camera
recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder.
(see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood
when sunlight reflections might occur while
shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a
blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or
other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened
with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0
Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements
Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.)
Length: 30.6 mm (1
/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and
back of the lens)
Carrying case (1)
Operating instructions (1)
Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
This mark indicates that this
product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When
purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you
purchase accessories with this
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the
video camera recorder, especially when the lens is
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide-
angle position, the corners of the screen may
darken. In this case, change the zooming
magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on
some video camera recorders with auto focus
function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for
a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when
Attaching the tele-conversion
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is
designed for use with the Sony video camera
recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder.
(see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood
when sunlight reflections might occur while
shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a
blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or
other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened
with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0
Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements
Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.)
Length: 30.6 mm (1
/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and
back of the lens)
Carrying case (1)
Operating instructions (1)
Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
This mark indicates that this
product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When
purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you
purchase accessories with this
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the
video camera recorder, especially when the lens is
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide-
angle position, the corners of the screen may
darken. In this case, change the zooming
magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on
some video camera recorders with auto focus
function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for
a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when
Attaching the tele-conversion
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is
designed for use with the Sony video camera
recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder.
(see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood
when sunlight reflections might occur while
shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a
blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or
other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened
with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0
Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements
Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.)
Length: 30.6 mm (1
/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and
back of the lens)
Carrying case (1)
Operating instructions (1)
Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
This mark indicates that this
product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When
purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you
purchase accessories with this
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the
video camera recorder, especially when the lens is
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide-
angle position, the corners of the screen may
darken. In this case, change the zooming
magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on
some video camera recorders with auto focus
function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for
a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when
Attaching the tele-conversion
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is
designed for use with the Sony video camera
recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder.
(see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood
when sunlight reflections might occur while
shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a
blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or
other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened
with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0
Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements
Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.)
Length: 30.6 mm (1
/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and
back of the lens)
Carrying case (1)
Operating instructions (1)
Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
This mark indicates that this
product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When
purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you
purchase accessories with this
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the
video camera recorder, especially when the lens is
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide-
angle position, the corners of the screen may
darken. In this case, change the zooming
magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on
some video camera recorders with auto focus
function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for
a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when
Attaching the tele-conversion
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is
designed for use with the Sony video camera
recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder.
(see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood
when sunlight reflections might occur while
shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a
blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or
other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened
with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0
Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements
Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.)
Length: 30.6 mm (1
/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and
back of the lens)
Carrying case (1)
Operating instructions (1)
Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
This mark indicates that this
product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When
purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you
purchase accessories with this