Set sag:1.
See the attached air chart for starting
pressure. Use a high-pressure shock pump
to adjust air.
Turn the Brain Fade knob (g. 2) at least
one full turn counter-clockwise to allow
the shock to sag more easily, and set the
rebound to full fast (counter-clockwise).
Push the rubber o-ring up to the seal, sit
on the bike gently, dismount gently and
measure the distance between the shock
seal and the o-ring (sag).
Adjust air pressure (A in g. 1) until
desired sag is reached (This can be
veried following the steps on p.6 or the
measurements below the air chart).
Air pressures and sag settings may vary
depending on rider style and/or terrain.
Adjust rebound: 2.
The red knob (C in g. 1) controls the rebound
damping, the rate which the shock returns after
the shock has been compressed.
Turn the knob clockwise for slower rebound
(slower speeds, bigger hits).
Turn the knob counter-clockwise for faster
rebound (higher speeds, small bumps).
Tune Brain Fade inertia valve:3.
Brain Fade is an inertia valve system
offering a range of pedal platform efciency.
The blue knob (g. 2) controls the Race
Tune inertia valve damping.
Turn the knob clockwise for a rmer, more
efcient ride. Full clockwise is rm on
smooth terrain.
Turn the knob counter-clockwise for a softer, more supple setting.
Rider Weight
Air (PSI)
lbs (kg)
90-100 (41-45) 100-110
100-110 (45-50) 110-120
110-120 (50-54) 120-130
120-130 (54-60) 130-140
130-140 (60-64) 140-150
140-150 (64-68) 150-160
150-160 (68-73) 160-170
160-170 (73-77) 170-180
170-180 (77-82) 180-190
180-190 (82-86) 190-200
190-200 (86-91) 200-210
200-210 (91-95) 210-220
210-220 (95-100) 220-230
220-230 (100-104) 230-240
230-240 (104-109) 240-250
240-250 (109-113) 250-260
250-265 (113-120) 260-275
265-280 (120-127) 275-290
280-295 (127-134) 290-305
Eye-to-eye length: 185 / 187 mm
Shock stroke: 43 / 47 mm
Recommended sag: 18-23% (8-
10/8.5-11 mm)
Travel: 100mm