
Diagnostic Tools
PN: 1725-36034-001_B.doc 77
The screens provided by the Diagnostics Mode include:
Screen 1
M i s s edRc vC nt nnnnn
M i s s edXmt C nt nnnnn
R x R e t r y Cou nt nnnnn
T x R e t r y Cou nt nnnnn
Missed receive packet count since power up (MissedRcvCnt)
Missed transmit packet count since power up (MissedXmtCnt)
Receive retry count since power up (RxRetryCount)
Transmit retry count since power up (TxRetryCount)
Screen 2
J i t t e r n n n n n
L a s t R a t e n n n n n
G a t e wyType mnemo
Jitter is the average error or “wobble” in received packet timing,
in microseconds (jitter)
Last successful transmit data rate (LastRate)
Gateway type (not used)
Screen 3
C : m mmm ch - ss a i d
1 : m mmm ch - ss mnem
2 : m mmm ch - ss mnem
3 : m mmm ch - ss mnem
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