
Acquisition Time 25 Sec at 1 Hz
6 Sec at 10 Hz
2 Sec at 10 kHz
Slew Rate 1 decade per 10 S at 1 kHz
Phase Control 90° shifts
Fine shifts in 0.025° steps
Phase Noise 0.01° rms at 1 kHz, 100 msec, 12 dB TC
Phase Drift 0.1°/°C
Phase Error Less than 1° above 10Hz
Stability 5 ppm/°C on LOW dynamic reserve
50 ppm/°C on NORM dynamic reserve
500 ppm/°C on HIGH dynamic reserve
Time Constants Pre: 1msec to 100 sec (6 dB/Octave)
Post: 1sec, 0.1 sec, none (6 dB/Octave) or none
Offset Up to 1X full scale (10X on expand)
Harmonic Rej -55 dB (bandpass filter in)
Outputs & Interfaces
Outputs X (RcosØ), X Offset, Noise
Output Meter 2% Precision mirrored analog meter
Output LCD Four digit auto-ranging LCD display shows same values as the analog meters
Output BNC ±10 V output corresponds to full scale input
<1 output impedance
Reference LCD Four digit LCD display for reference phase shift or frequency
RS232 Interface controls all functions. Baud rates from 300 to 19.2 K
GPIB Interface controls all functions. (IEEE-488 Std)
A/D 4 BNC inputs with 13 bit resolution (±10.24 V)
D/A 2 BNC outputs with 13 bit resolution (±10.24 V)
Ratio Ratio output equals 10X output divided by the Denominator input.
Internal Oscillator Range: 1 Hz to 100 kHz, 1% accuracy
Stability: 150 ppm/°C
Distortion: 2% THD
Amplitude: 1% accuracy, 500 ppm/°C stability