23 200mV
24 500mV
Note that sensitivity settings below 100 nV are
allowed only when a pre-amplifier is connected.
The H command reads the pre-amplifier status.
If a pre-amplifier is connected, a "1" is returned,
otherwise, a "0" is returned. The H command is a
read only command.
I {n}
If n is included, the I command sets the remote-
local status. If n is absent, the remote-local status
is returned.
0 Local: all front panel keys are operative
1 Remote: front panel keys are not
operative. The LOCAL key returns the
status to local.
2 Lock-out: front panel keys are not
operative. No key returns the status to
local. Another I command is needed to
return to local.
When using the GPIB interface, the REN, LLO,
and GTL commands are not implemented. The I
command is used by both interfaces to set the
remote-local status.
J {n1,n2,n3,n4}
The J command sets the RS232 end-of-record
characters sent by the SR530 to those specified
by the decimal ASCII codes n1-n4. If no argument
is included, the end-of-record sequence returns to
the default (a carriage return), otherwise, up to
four characters may be specified. The end-of-
record required by the SR530 when receiving
commands is not affected.
K n
The K command simulates a front panel key
press. The effect is exactly the same as pressing
the selected key once. The parameter n is
1 Post Time Constant Up
2 Post Time Constant Down
3 Pre Time Constant Up
4 Pre Time Constant Down
5 Select Display (f/phase)
690° Up
790° Down
8 Zero Phase (Simultaneous 90° Up and
9 Reference Trigger Mode
10 Reference Mode (f/2f)
11 Degrees Up
12 Degrees Down
13 Channel 2 Rel
14 Channel 2 Offset (On/Off)
15 Channel 2 Offset Up
16 Channel 2 Offset Down
17 Channel 2 Expand
18 Output Display Up
19 Output Display Down
20 Channel 1 Expand
21 Channel 1 Rel
22 Channel 1 Offset (On/Off)
23 Channel 1 Offset Up
24 Channel 1 Offset Down
25 Dyn Res Up
26 Dyn Res Down
27 Sensitivity Up
28 Sensitivity Down
29 Local
30 Line X 2 Notch Filter
31 Line Notch Filter
32 Bandpass Filter
L m {,n}
The L command sets and reads the status of the
line notch filters. If m is "1", then the 1X line
notch is selected, if m is "2", the 2X line notch is
selected. The parameter m is required. If n is "1",
the L command sets the selected filter in. If n is
"0", the selected filter is taken out. If n is absent,
the status of the selected filter is returned.
M {n}
If n is "1", the M command sets the reference
mode to 2f. If n is "0", the reference mode is set
to f. If n is absent, the reference mode is returned.
N {m}
If m is "1", the N command sets the ENBW to 10
Hz. If m is "0", the ENBW is set to 1 Hz. If m is
absent, the ENBW setting is returned.
OX {n} {,v}
OY {n} {,v}
OR {n} {,v}
The "OX", "OY", and "OR" commands set the
offsets for the X, Y, and R outputs respectively. If
n is "1", the offset is turned on. If n is "0", the
offset is turned off. If n and v are absent, the
offset status (on or off) is returned. (The value of
the offset is read using the S and Q commands.)